11 Natural Ways to Get Constipation Relief Fast

Chris and I both get this question from clients all the time "Help! I'm constipated, what do I do?". This is very common for many people and it can affect all aspects of their lives causing them extreme discomfort resulting in them not want to leave the house or participate in special life events. 

Everyone is different so the number of bowel movements you have per day will vary, but a good rule of thumb is an average of 1-3 bowel movements a day for a healthy digestive system.

When we poop, we are eliminating toxins, bacteria, mucus, and fiber so it’s important that we are keeping our bowels moving properly so that toxins are not being reabsorbed back in through our colon.

So although we don't want to be harboring these toxins in our colon, it's important that we don't run out and start popping over-the-counter laxatives. When you overuse laxatives, you might have side effects such as loss of electrolytes which lead to dehydration, fatigue, muscle aches and more, as well as mineral deficiency. Additionally, taking too many laxatives can cause gastrointestinal disorder, kidney failure and liver damage.

And while we are here, I should mention that you should NEVER try to take laxatives for weight loss because they won’t help you achieve real lasting fat loss, only temporary scale weight loss from emptying your bowls and reduced water-weight. I assure you it will come right back.

So as you can see, laxatives can cause more damage than good and you can also become dependent on them. Natural health is always the path to BEST health so below we will go over some ways you can get safe and natural constipation relief. 

What causes constipation in the first place?

  • Stress and constant busyness

  • Poor diet

  • Certain medications

  • Dehydration

  • Lack of fiber in the diet

  • Eating too much fiber and not enough water

  • Candida, IBS, or SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)

  • Not exercising

  • Magnesium deficiency

  • Hormonal imbalance

  • Food intolerances

  • lactose intolerance

  • Resisting the urge to go during the day

11 Natural Ways to Get Constipation Relief Fast

Here are 11 Natural Ways to Get Constipation Relief Fast

  • Warm lemon water. Lemon juice helps with waste elimination which will help get things moving right along. Use the juice of 1/2 or whole lemon in a glass of warm water first thing upon waking up in the morning to jump-start your digestion. Read more about the many benefits of lemon water here.

  • Keep hydrated. Water is needed to help food pass through the small and large intestine. 5 to 10 pounds of fecal matter can be stored in the colon because of dehydration caused by lack of water. A good rule of thumb is to drink ½ your current body weight in ounces of water each day.

  • Coconut oil. Take 1 to 2 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil by mouth will help to lube up your system and keep your things running smoothly. During the colder months, coconut oil may be in a solid form so you can warm it up for a few seconds and drink it or add it to a tea. I prefer to take it in solid form straight up but everyone is different.

  • Exercise daily. Keeping your body moving every day is key to stimulating circulation creating a healthy digestive system. Getting in about 30 minutes or more of exercise a day will help improve your daily bowel movements and will make a huge difference in every aspect of your life! Check out these workouts to get you started.

  • Magnesium. Taking magnesium daily can really help to relieve constipation by pulling water into the stool. Many Americans are magnesium deficient due to lack of it in our soil and therefore the food we eat, poor nutrient absorption, and it leaves the body through sweat and stress. Start supplementing with magnesium citrate at night before bed to help constipation, I personally take 400mg each night. Magnesium can also be absorbed through the skin by taking a relaxing Epsom salt bath at night with 1-2 cups of Epsom salt.

  • Coconut water. Drinking this can help to hydrate you and balance your electrolyte levels. It can also have somewhat of a laxative effect so start slow and ease off when needed. To get the highest quality coconut water look for one that is organic and doesn't have added flavors or sugars.

  • Probiotics. Our gut is full of good and bad bacteria that help to keep our immune system strong and digestion running smoothly. Many things we put in our body such as antibiotics, medications, alcohol and certain processed food can kill off both the good and the bad bacteria. Supplementing with a high quality probiotic supplement with at least 15 billion live organisms, probiotic-rich foods like kefir and sauerkraut can help keep your gut flora in check and digestion functioning better.

  • Squatting instead of sitting. Since the beginning of time we squatted to go to the bathroom but that all changed when we started sitting on a toilet. For many people, this can cause some blockage. Using a footstool like a Squatty Potty to help put you in a more natural position can help to relax your colon to allow stool to flow freely and take off the pressure of straining which can cause hemorrhoids.

  • Chew your food well. Digestion begins in the mouth the minute you start to even think about food and then enzymes are produced as you start to chew your food. But most of us do not chew food properly as a result of rushing through our meals. Large chunks of food then go through the digestive tract without being broken down properly. It is important to really focus on the food you eat, try eating without distractions such as TV and phones (I know that seems impossible but you can do it!). Really concentrate on the look, feel and taste of your food. Chew until it becomes liquid in your mouth or aim for about 30 bites.

  • Essential oils. Using high-quality essential oils like lemon, tangerine, ginger, fennel, rosemary, wild orange, and peppermint as an abdominal rub mixed with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil, or in a warm bath with Epsom salts can help to relieve constipation and leave you feeling amazing.

Learn How to Stop Bloat From Happening

Want to reduce inflammation and lose fat for good? Start by downloading our free guide: 5 Easy Steps to Beating Belly Bloat!

We are Chris and Amber, a husband and wife team dedicated to helping you improve your nutritional and personal fitness habits for a better lifestyle. If you have issues with bloating, inability to lose fat, brain fog, or are in need of a proven nutrition and fitness plan to get you out of a rut, then sign up for our 28-Day Beat Belly Bloat Program today!

Amber Hale, Health Coach

Disclaimer: I earn a small commission if you use some of the highlighted links to purchase products mentioned in this blog/website. I recommend only products that I would use my own home or that I would recommend to clients. 

Amazon Disclaimer: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Easy Paleo Crockpot Beef Stew

Believe it or not Chris and I don't actually have a lot of family meals together. We eat differently for our individual goals and I have allergy restrictions that he doesn't. We usually fix our food separately and then sit down to eat together when we can. Well, we wanted to switch things up a bit and do more family meals, so recently we stocked up on a bunch of high quality meats through a grocery delivery service here in NY. We wanted to give this whole family dinner thing a try. I also wanted to start using our crockpot more for things other than bone broth.

In my early 20's, I cooked one-pot-meals all the time in the crockpot. One of my favorite things was to fire up the crockpot in the morning and come home to a delicious smelling house in the afternoon, then sit down to a hassle-free dinner. Best. Thing. Ever.

Easy Paleo Crockpot Beef Stew

So last Monday morning, that is exactly what I did. I fired up the crockpot, added our pre-cut beef, chopped up veggies - which only took minutes to prepare, sprinkled on the seasonings, and left that bad boy running all afternoon until we came home for dinner. It was amazing! Chris actually couldn't believe the yummy smell in our building hallway was coming from our apartment. Oh, but it was!

We both loved hitting the "easy button" on this family meal so we could spend less time cooking, and more time eating....and watching season 5 of The Walking Dead. Yes, please! 

I was so inspired by how easy that meal was that I used the leftover raw veggies that didn't make it into the stew to make an overnight crockpot  chicken dish the next day. Recipe to come soon...

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this recipe!

Easy Paleo Crockpot Beef Stew

Easy Paleo Crockpot Beef Stew

  • 2.5-3 lbs organic beef stew meat, cut into 1 inch chunks
  • 2 cups chicken or beef bone broth (I didn't have fresh broth made at the time so I used 1 cup Pacific Foods rosemary chicken bone broth and 1 cup of broth made from Kombu seeweed: 1 cup water + 2 inch Kombu, boiled 15-20 minutes)
  • 2 medium onions, chopped into 1 inch pieces
  • 2 large russet potatoes, chopped into 1 inch cubes
  • 3-4 celery sticks, chopped
  • 3-4 large carrots, cut into thick slices
  •  3 cloves of garlic, sliced
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp paprika 
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp of sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper


1. In a crockpot (I use an 8 Qt., but a 4-6 Qt. should work well), add broth and cubed beef.

2. Add half of all seasonings to the top of the beef.

3. Place the chopped vegetables on top of the seasoned beef and then sprinkle on the remaining seasonings over the veggies.

4. Place the lid onto the crock pot and cook on the low setting for 8 hours or if you are in a hurry, cook for 4 hours on the high setting.

5. Be prepared to have your entire house smell of amazingness, then later...Enjoy!  

What is your favorite easy crockpot meal?

Amber Hale, Health Coach

Disclaimer: I earn a small commission if you use some of the highlighted links to purchase products mentioned in this blog/website. I recommend only products that I would use my own home or that I would recommend to clients. 

Amazon Disclaimer: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Reduce Belly Bloat With This Flat Belly Tea Recipe

Most people start their day first thing with a big cup of delicious hot coffee, then rush to the office and enjoy yet another large cup of coffee all the while forgetting one very important detail which is essential all hours of the day - hydration! When you are gulping down coffee all morning, there is a very high chance that you are not drinking water alongside your cup of Joe. This used to be a very bad habit of mine. Lunchtime would roll around and all of the sudden I'd realize that I haven't had a cup of water all day.

Most all of my female clients deal with the dreaded belly bloat which can come from a host of things like food allergies, leaky gut, candida, too much sodium, or more simply just plain old dehydration! When we are rushing around each day running on coffee alone for the first half of the day, we start to retain water which is the last thing we want when we are trying to get a flat belly. 

I'm not out to make coffee the bad guy because there are actually a lot of benefits to drinking organic coffee such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. But I can bet that if you are just drinking coffee from Starbucks or the office pot of coffee, then you are most likely drinking coffee that has been heavily sprayed with pesticides that are toxic to our bodies and get stored away in our fat cells. I don't know about you, but I don't need any extra junk stored in my fat cells!

So what can be done to start reducing that stubborn belly bloat?

There are two things that I absolutely love to do in the mornings to help reduce belly bloat...

  • #1 Drink a large glass of water first thing when you wake up. I prefer warm water with the juice of half a lemon, but just plain warm water is perfectly fine too. 

  • #2 Swap your morning coffee with my favorite flat belly tea recipe (below).

Not only will both of these morning rituals help you to kick your coffee habits to the curb it will also decrease belly bloat, help stimulate digestion, stop cravings in their tracks, and may help with weight loss by jump-starting the metabolism! You will still need to remember to drink water during the rest of your day, so make sure to keep a water bottle next to you to sip on throughout the day.  

Reduce Belly Bloat With This Flat Belly Tea Recipe - Awakened Nutrition & Training

Flat Belly Tea Recipe

1. Boil hot water then brew 1-2 tea bags of green tea in 8oz of filtered water.

2. Add apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and stevia to taste.

3. Stir and enjoy!


Ready kick belly bloat to the curb? Then click the button below to grab my freebie 5 Steps to Beat Belly Bloat!



What's your best tip for de-bloating or ditching the coffee habit?

Amber Hale, Health Coach and the co-creator of the 28 Day Beat Belly Bloat program.png

Disclaimer: We earn a small commission if you use the highlighted links to purchase the products mentioned in this post. We recommend only products that we would use in our own home or that we would recommend for our clients. Your purchases help to support our blogging activities such as creating yummy recipes to share with you and also helps us to bring even more helpful nutrition and training information to you on a weekly basis. Thank you for your continued support and for helping us continue what we LOVE to do!

How Food Allergies Are Making You Fat

Summer's (unofficially) here and it's that time of year when we're showing more skin and definitely more conscience of our bodies. All around me, I hear people jumping into juice cleanses and fasts to jump-start their weight loss. I'm not a huge fan of these aggressive detoxes because they can have serious consequences. In truth, most people will lose weight on these types of cleanses simply because of the calorie restriction, not because they are detoxing. But, these types of programs are pretty much impossible to maintain long-term and so is the weight loss. As soon as you stop juicing, the weight comes back on. I've seen it happen time and time again. There is a Better Way.

What if I told you that you could eat (yes, eat) as much as you want of delicious food without counting calories or carbs, and still lose weight? Say what?? Yes, you heard me. Look, it's no secret that excess weight is related to many other chronic conditions and diseases. In fact, we can really look at being overweight as just a symptom of inflammation - and inflammation is the root of all disease.


There are many things that can cause inflammation in our body but one of the most common causes is allergies and sensitivities from our food. An allergic reaction is inflammation. And, common sense tells us that when we constantly expose ourselves to something we are allergic too, this leads to chronic inflammation. Having a severe allergy to say, peanuts, can cause an immediate life-threatening response and if you're someone with that type of allergy, then you probably are very meticulous at avoiding such an exposure. Of course an allergic reaction doesn't need to be life-threatening. It could be something as simple as breaking out in hives.

BUT, what if you didn't have an allergy to peanuts but you had a more mild sensitivity? What's the difference here and how would you know? Well, unlike the allergy where you get an immediate response, a food sensitivity is an inflammatory reaction that is delayed, meaning your symptoms may not come out until about 24-72 hours after you are exposed to the culprit.

Symptoms vary, but the most common ones are:

  • weight gain
  • digestion issues (constipation, diarrhea)
  • bloating
  • gas
  • fatigue
  • brain fog
  • headaches or migraines
  • muscle aches
  • stomach aches

You may not even know that you have a food sensitivity because most likely you are eating the culprit food every single day and any symptoms you are experiencing could feel totally normal to you. OR, you are aware of the symptoms but because of the delayed time lapse it's extremely difficult to make the connection that something you are eating is causing the reaction. The other side of this, is that it can be difficult and expensive to get tested. Most doctors are not testing for food sensitivities - just allergies. And this is why so many people are unknowingly causing chronic inflammation in their bodies that can lead to toxicity and excess weight.

How To Find Out If You Have a Food Sensitivity

The easiest, most cost effective way to identify food sensitivities is by doing, what's called, an Elimination Diet. This is the protocol that I use  as the foundation in my seasonal detox programs because it works. I believe in this protocol because it's also how I've uncovered my own food allergies and sensitivities. Although an elimination diet is not a new thing, it hasn't gotten nearly as much publicity as many of the other heavily marketed diets and weight loss programs on the market. And, although the goal is not to necessarily lose weight, that is more often than not, a happy side effect. Just recently, Dr. Mark Hyman was featured on The Today Show talking about the benefits of the elimination diet in helping people identify food sensitivities, decreasing inflammation and losing weight. You can read the article here.

In my seasonal detox programs, we focus on eliminating the most common food allergens for 10 days and then we guide you into a reintroduction phase where you would strategically add back each food one by one so you can determine which food(s) are causing the problems.

The foods we avoid for 10 days include:

  • gluten and wheat
  • dairy
  • corn
  • soy
  • gluten-free grains
  • nuts
  • processed sugars

During the 10 days that you are eliminating the common allergens, we are replacing them with nourishing whole foods which support your detoxification. This 2-prong approach has been very successful in helping people jump-start their weight loss, detox, AND identify foods that they are sensitive to. For most people, this is a very powerful "first step" towards reducing inflammation and building their health blueprint for life.

Have you had success with uncovering food allergies or sensitivities with an elimination diet or detox? I would love to hear about it in the comments below!


P.S. Wanna sneak peek into one of my 10-Day Detox programs that uses the elimination diet? Sign up to get my FREE 3-Day Detox and jump-start your weight loss now!